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Errors and Bugs

Got an error? Want to file a bug report? Here's how to find us.

Michal avatar
Written by Michal
Updated over 3 years ago

Stay Up to Date

You can fix most issues by updating to the latest version of Anima. Updates are in our Change Log, where you can review all the progress we’ve made through each iteration.

After you update the plugin, make sure to restart your design platform (Sketch, XD, Figma).

Bug reports

Found something broken? Email us at or if you're a designer you can find the 'Report a Problem' option within the settings of Anima's plugin.

Make sure to add:

  1. A sample file (Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma) with the issue

  2. Anima preview link(s)

  3. Screenshots of the issue, or even better, a recording of the behavior.

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